Micro Sun - 0-12歲兒童洗髮椅(藍色)

Micro Sun - 0-12歲兒童洗髮椅(藍色)
椅背臀部可依小朋友身高長度,做 5 種長度調整......頸部也可以有 7 段脖長的延伸 ~
從一歲以上到 12 歲的小朋友都可以使用 ...
四隻腳皆有做浴室防滑的墊套~ 左右雙邊還有安心扶把
讓小朋友洗頭時~ 不在驚聲尖叫 ~ 安全又安心
頭部 有引水流孔~ 不會讓寶寶頸部感到不舒服
是一款值得推薦的 大寶貝洗髮椅
This is a super quality flat lay shampoo chair
It can be used as a general recliner in peacetime. You can take a chair as a child when you are out on a trip. You can take a nap on it.
It can also be used as a beach chair for children to sunbathe; it can also be used as a bathing bed for children in summer.
The back of the chair can be adjusted according to the length of the child, and the length of the neck can be adjusted.
Children from one year old to 12 years old can use ...