Micro sun可折疊式嬰兒浴盆 (藍色)

Micro sun可折疊式嬰兒浴盆 (藍色)



· 超過2000次以上的開合測試

· 適合0至4歲

· 盆身摺位為軟膠,不怕嬰兒伸展身體而撞傷

· 盆底設有去水位,去水位亦是一個溫度提示器,當水溫到37度以上會由藍色變白色,可協助用者不用另置溫度計也可清楚知道溫度

· 盆腳有防滑膠,盆底貼在地上,嬰兒重量沒有限制

· 材質:PP+TPE

Foldable and hangable reclining

· More than 2000 opening and closing tests

· Suitable for 0 to 4 years old

· The basin is folded into soft rubber, which is not afraid of the baby stretching the body and hurting

· The bottom of the basin has a water level. The water level is also a temperature reminder. When the water temperature reaches 37 degrees, it will turn from blue to white. It can help the user to know the temperature without using a separate thermometer.

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