4層活性炭口罩- 50片獨立裝 (灰色)

4層活性炭口罩- 50片獨立裝 (灰色)


產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準

· 抗流感必備法寶!
· 不含任何乳膠成份,不會造成因乳膠引起的皮膚敏感
· 口罩縫製邊緣不易裂開,通爽透氣,質地舒服柔軟
· 可作為外科手術口罩
· 4層設計,擁有99%細菌及過濾效率,高效抵抗病菌及灰塵
· 防毒、防臭、濾菌、阻塵,用途廣泛
· 每盒50個,獨立包裝


Detailed introduction
For product details, please refer to the instructions on the packaging. Pictures are for reference only

Activated carbon model; 4-layer design with 99% bacteria and filtration efficiency, highly resistant to germs and dust! The must-have for anti-flu! 50 pcs per box, individually packaged
Offer Features
· A must-have for anti-flu!
· Does not contain any latex ingredients and will not cause skin sensitization caused by latex
· The sewing edge of the mask is not easy to crack, it is open and breathable, and the texture is comfortable and soft
· Can be used as surgical mask
· 4-layer design with 99% bacteria and filtration efficiency, highly resistant to germs and dust
· Anti-virus, deodorization, bacteria filtering, dust blocking
· 50 per box, individually packaged

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