3D 兒童(5-15歲) 立體3層口罩(50枚入) (Blue)

3D 兒童(5-15歲) 立體3層口罩(50枚入) (Blue)


3過濾層高效阻隔 95%(0.3 微米), 99%(3.0 微米), 真正有效預防疾病經飛沫傳播, 有限除臭
內層由超細複合纖維製造吸濕力極強, 有效將呼吸時的水份吸收

主要用途: 醫院 / 學校 / 花粉 / 工廠 / 飛沫 / 研究室 / 公眾場合

產品包裝: 50個一盒

使用時注意事項: 本產品屬一次性拋棄式口罩,用完即棄,不可洗滌後再使用


Detailed introduction
Three-dimensional children's 3-layer mask
3The filter layer effectively blocks 95% (0.3 micron), 99% (3.0 micron), and effectively prevents the spread of disease through droplets, with limited deodorization
Increased breathing space and excellent breathability
The inner layer is made of ultra-fine composite fibers with extremely strong hygroscopicity, effectively absorbing water during breathing
Elastic earbands are soft and comfortable
The distance from the nose to the cheek is about 7.5cm, the belt is 12.5cm

Main use: hospital / school / pollen / factory / droplets / research room / public

Product packaging: 50 boxes

Precautions during use: This product is a disposable disposable mask, disposable after use. Do not use it after washing.

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