Moony - 紙尿片

Moony - 紙尿片
Moony - 紙尿片新生 90片x3包
Moony 紙尿片細碼S84片x3包
Moony - 紙尿片中碼M64片x3包
Moony - 紙尿片大碼L54片x3包
日本Moony紙尿片加倍柔軟,更透氣。就連腰部膠帶粘貼區也採用透氣棉軟材質,寶寶每寸肌膚都能開心呼吸。全方位超強吸水體:雙層超強吸收,鎖住尿濕,幫助保持寶寶的皮膚乾爽舒適,尿量更多也不怕。瞬間吸水超薄層,吸收更速,表層乾爽不回滲 。
Moony-Diaper Newborn 90 Tablets x 3 Pack Moony Diaper Size S84 x 3 Pack Moony-Diaper M64 x3 Pack Moony-Diapers Large L54 x 3 Pack Japanese Moony diapers are soft and breathable. Even the sticky area of the waist tape is made of breathable cotton soft material, so that every inch of your baby's skin can breathe happily. All-around super-absorbent body: double-layer super-absorption, locks wet urine, helps keep baby's skin dry and comfortable, and is not afraid of more urine. Instantly absorbs super-thin layer, absorbs more quickly, and the surface layer is dry and does not return. Clever tear arc Velcro: Velcro that can be pasted repeatedly, it's easy to tear and stick. Helps reduce diaper loosening and your baby can move more comfortably. The arc shape will not scratch the baby's delicate skin.