Micro Sun - Power Knee support膝蓋穩定支撐器(One pair)

Micro Sun - Power Knee support膝蓋穩定支撐器(One pair)
全新的Power Knee support Stabilizer Pads支撐您的大腿和小腿,同時減輕膝蓋的壓力。這些墊子支撐著你的腿,直接為你提供了比沒有它們更容易攜帶任何重物的能力!這些穩定墊非常適合鍛煉身體的人,全天蹲伏的男女工人,攜帶包裹為生的送貨員,甚至是在山上上下走健身和娛樂的徒步旅行者!
它們耐用,易於使用,可以穿在衣服的外面,使用魔術貼類型,長度控制。 (均碼齊全 - 配對2件套)
強勁的提升力量 - 力量膝關節穩定墊每個可承受約20公斤的重量,並且足以使人體重減輕約40公斤。這款突破性產品可讓您在雙腿彎曲或下蹲時輕鬆抬起膝蓋。
多功能 - 適合各種運動,如登山,騎自行車,高爾夫,羽毛球,鍛煉等。
工作身體 - 這些強大的護膝支撐大腿和小腿,可用於任何職業。
高品質 - 耐用,輕質,鋁合金機身,具有卓越的彈性和特殊設計,製造的彈簧允許36公斤更強的膝蓋拉伸。 Velcro長度控制使它們易於穿戴,並使它們可以穿在衣服的內部或外部。
The new, Power Knee support Stabilizer Pads support your thighs and calves, while reducing the pressure on your knees. These pads support your legs, directly providing you with the ability to carry any heavy objects easier than you could without them! These stabilizing pads are ideal for people who work out, working men and women who are crouching all day, delivery guys who carry packages for a living, or even hikers who walk up and down mountains for fitness and fun!
They're durable, easy to use and can be worn on the outside of your clothes, using the Velcro type, length control. (One Size Fits All - Pair Set of 2)
STRONG LIFTING POWER- The Power Knee Stabilizer Pads can withstand a weight of about 20 kg each and are effective enough to lighten about 40kg from a person's own weight. This breakthrough product allows you to lift your knee easily when you bend or squat with both legs.
VERSATILE- Great for various sports such as mountain climbing, biking, golf, badminton, work outs, and more.
WORKING BUDDY- These powerful knee pads support thighs and calves, and can be used for any occupation.
HIGH-QUALITY- Durable, lightweight, aluminum alloy body with remarkable elasticity and specially designed, manufactured spring allows a 36kg stronger knee stretch. The Velcro type length control makes them easy to put on and makes it possible for them to be worn on the inside or outside your clothes.