Micro sun石墨烯減震護膝

Micro sun石墨烯減震護膝
這款ELVES 石墨烯遠紅外減震護膝 ,內含遠紅外線理療,促進血液循環。選用石墨烯70D超細長絲雙編,柔軟舒適包膝腿,彈性高抗擊,整體受力均衡,不分層,增強關節屈伸的穩定性及韌帶肌腱保護。
This ELVES graphene far-infrared cushioning kneepad contains far-infrared physiotherapy to promote blood circulation. It is made of graphene 70D super-slim silk, soft and comfortable. It has high elasticity and high resistance. It has balanced overall force, no delamination, enhanced stability of joint flexion and extension and ligament tendon protection.
Anti-skid support on both sides to improve the side protection of the movement and reduce the movement damage. The joint flexion and extension fits the design, and the joint leg is subjected to stress and support. The patented high-elastic high-elastic high-speed humeral liner protects the tibia meniscus from injury, and the old cold legs and joints are swollen. Bring this kneepad, which is equivalent to walking with a massager, soft and comfortable.
Graphene is a new type of nanomaterial known as "black gold" and "light of new materials". Its strength is 200 times higher than that of steel, and its elastic tensile range is 20% higher than that of high-grade fiber. It has been used in national defense, science and engineering, medical science and clothing. And other special areas.