agilo (德國)超輕折疊4輪式助行車

agilo (德國)超輕折疊4輪式助行車
產品尺寸: 87CM(H) x 66CM(W) x 84CM(L)
1. 所有售出商品不設退款
2. 產品必須連同單據、完整包裝、配件、說明書及未填寫之保用證(如有提供),於七日內與PNS PLUS客戶服務部聯絡處理退換事宜(不包括人為損壞的產品)
3. 恕不接受基於個人喜好原因要求換貨
4. 如須退換產品,客戶只可更換相同型號和顏色的產品
5. 商品可享有12個月保用服務
只用於路面或在家裡。 不應在崎嶇的地形或有孔的表面上使用。 在這些表面上使用助行車會嚴重危及安全,並可能損壞助行車
使用溫和洗滌劑的濕布擦拭助行車以進行清潔。 在任何情況下都不要使用磨蝕性或溶劑型清潔劑,因為這會嚴重損壞助行車並使您的保修失效
檢查所有車輪和折疊機件是否正常運作,以及所有車輪能否自由轉動。 特別注意前輪,確保它們可沒有障礙地自由轉動,並且牢固地連接到車架上
Product Details:
Frame and seat made from aluminium, durable enough for daily use
With designed handgrips, loop cable brakes and height adjustable handles
Also features an integral canvas seat, padded backrest and an integral walking stick holder
A handy, detachable shopping bag is included for storing small items
Foldable, for travel and easy storage
Suitable for the elderly, infirm or less able users with little grip power
Product Dimensions: 87CM(H) x 66CM(W) x 84CM(L)
Weight Limited: 120KG
1. All goods sold is not refundable
2. Invoice, packing, accessories, user guide and blank warranty card(If provided) should be returned together with the product in good condition for exchange (not include any damage caused by man-made). Customer shall contact PNS PLUS customer service center for product exchange within 7 days of purchase.
3. Exchange of a product cannot be accepted for any product rejection due to personal preference
4. Customer is allowed to exchange for a product of the same model and same color only
5. Goods enjoy 12 months product warranty
Product Warnings:
Only use the rollator for the purpose for which it intended, which is as an aid to walking.
Only used on standard pavements or at home. It should not be used on rough terrain or pot-holed surfaces. The use of your rollator on these surfaces can seriously compromise your safety and may damage your rollator beyond repair
Keep the rollator clean by wiping down with a damp cloth with a mild detergent. Do not under any circumstances use an abrasive or solvent based cleaner, as this will seriously damage the rollator and void your warranty
Wipe off all surfaces with a dry cloth and use a water dispersing agent such as WD40 on all metal joints
Check that all wheels and the folding mechanism function correctly and that all wheels move freely
Pay particular attention to the front wheels, ensuring that they rotate freely and without obstruction and that they are attached securely to the frame