
又有沒有試過回家後放下了錢包, 一下子就忘記了放到什麼地方。不論怎樣找都找不著?
追踪器只有鎖匙扣大小, 能跟您的智能電話配對, 在您離家出門而忘記帶上時提醒您。在您找不到它時, 可以用智能手機"一鍵尋找"尋找它的位置。假如不慎把
追踪器遺下了, 軟件會自動記錄位置, 您可以用手機地圖定位APP, 找到它的最後位置。手機APP支援Android及iOS。
藍牙4.0 全新技術低耗能
智能尋找, 在手機安裝軟件, 可同時連接10個追踪器,無綫一鍵尋找
使用可更換通用電池, 鈕形電池CR2016, 3.0V, 可用3個月以上
手機軟件支援安桌Android及蘋果Apple iOS, 軟件介面暫時只有英語
Have you ever tried to go out and think about forgetting to bring your wallet or key? Have you ever tried to drink tea before you find an umbrella left?
And have not tried to go home after the release of the wallet, all of a sudden forgot to put any place. No matter how you can not find?
The Bluetooth Smart Tracker can help you.
The tracker is only the key holder size and can be paired with your smartphone and reminds you when you leave home and forget to bring it. When you can not find it, you can use the smart phone "a key to find" to find its location. If accidentally
Tracker left, the software will automatically record the location, you can use the phone map positioning APP, find its last position. Mobile APP supports Android and iOS.
Product specifications
Bluetooth 4.0 new technology low energy consumption
Weight: 7g
Transmission range: 0-15M
Smart search, install the software in the phone, which can connect 10 trackers, wireless one key to find
Use replaceable universal battery, button-shaped battery CR2016, 3.0V, available for more than 3 months
Exclusive search + anti-lost + wireless camera
Mobile phone software support Android and Apple Apple iOS, the software interface is only English