Microlife(Swiss) 濕温電熱墊

Microlife(Swiss) 濕温電熱墊
超輕(570克), 超低電磁波輻射,
改善血液循環,帶來溫暖和健全的效果。 被採用在保健及康復用途。在很短的時間內緩解疼痛,通過穿透到細胞組織到膨脹的血管,促進血液循環。
Ultra lightest (570g), Ultra low electromagnetic radiation
Moisture heating pad adopts the latest high- density electric carbon wire to raise up temperature speedily.
100% cotton cover can absorb water from the air and produce moisture. The highest temperature is 60C.
Exclusive mimetic wave develops different physical therapies which can be changed by temperature. It improves blood circulation and brings warmness & healthiness result.
It was adopted constantly in medical field for rehabilitation. The heat is combined with bio-ceramics, which relieves pain in a short time by penetrating into cell tissue to swell blood vessels and promote blood circulation.
(220V / 110V)