依納康 P4 測試 (中風, 心臟血管疾, 糖尿病的風險)

依納康 P4 測試 (中風, 心臟血管疾, 糖尿病的風險)
Participate 主動參與 – 易操作,零感染的唾液檢測,每個人都可以為自己及家人進行恆常的健康指標檢測
Personalize 個人化 – eNano的唾液檢測結果可以上傳至智能手機APP,隨時隨地查看自己的和項身體指標
Predictive 未病“先知” – 恆常唾液檢測,多項疾病篩查檢測項目,幫助發現潛在疾病患者
Preventive 疾病預防 – 通過了解自己的各項指標,改變過往不健康的生活習慣,主動選擇健康生活習慣,有效預防疾病
中風的風險 – 檢查唾液中的葉酸(Folic Acid)。葉酸是在維生命補充劑和強化食品中出現的合成物質。適量的攝入葉酸可以幫助嬰兒預防神經管缺陷。然而過量的葉酸亦與癌症有關聯。
心臟血管疾病風險 – 檢查唾液中的氧化三甲胺(TMAO)。有研究指出,氧化三甲胺的水平愈高,血管阻塞的風險就愈高。
糖尿病前期 – 檢查唾液中的胰島素(Insulin)。胰島素可以檢測到大眾,特別是中央肥胖人群患前期糖尿病的風險,使個人可以及早發現疾病,並且及時採取預防措施,防止糖尿病發展。
壓力水平 – 檢查唾液中的皮質醇(Cortisol)可得知壓力的情況,皮質醇的水平愈高,反映壓力愈大,長期高水平的皮質醇和腎上腺會降低免疫功能,導致體重增加,血壓,膽固醇上升,增加患上心臟病的風險。
女性健康 – 檢查唾液中的孕酮(Progesterone)。若女性在孕期的孕酮含量過低,有風險出現流產,胎兒畸形等情況。因此,女性在孕前及孕中都有檢測孕酮的必要性。
二手煙水平 – 檢查唾液中的可鐵寧(Cotinine) – 香煙中尼古丁的代謝物,長期積累二手煙會導致被動吸煙症而患病。
二甲雙胍殘留 – 檢查唾液中的二甲雙胍(Metformin)。二甲雙胍是一種用於治療二型糖尿病的藥物,能有效降低血糖。如果二甲雙胍水平較高,表明藥物有所殘留。
Detailed introduction
What does P4 stand for?
Participate actively participates – easy-to-operate, zero-infected saliva test, everyone can perform constant health indicators for themselves and their families
Personalize Personalization – eNano's saliva test results can be uploaded to a smartphone app to view your own and physical indicators anytime, anywhere
Predictive "Prophet" - Constant saliva test, multiple disease screening tests to help identify patients with underlying disease
Preventive Disease Prevention – By understanding your own indicators, changing past unhealthy living habits, actively choosing healthy living habits, and effectively preventing diseases
What can P4 test?
Risk of stroke – Check for Folic Acid in saliva. Folic acid is a synthetic substance found in vitamin supplements and fortified foods. Appropriate intake of folic acid can help your baby prevent neural tube defects. However, excessive folic acid is also associated with cancer.
Check for folate in saliva. Folate can be found in the natural form of food, increase the intake of folate in food, and can reduce the risk of stroke.
Cardiovascular disease risk – Check for trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) in saliva. Studies have shown that the higher the level of trimethylamine oxide, the higher the risk of vascular occlusion.
Pre-diabetes – check for insulin in the saliva (Insulin). Insulin can detect the risk of pre-diabetes in the general public, especially in the central obese population, so that individuals can detect the disease early and take preventive measures in time to prevent the development of diabetes.
Pressure level – Check cortisol in saliva to know the pressure. The higher the level of cortisol, the higher the pressure. The long-term high levels of cortisol and adrenal gland will reduce immune function, leading to weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol. Rise and increase the risk of heart disease.
Women's Health – Check Progesterone in saliva. If the progesterone level in women during pregnancy is too low, there is a risk of miscarriage, fetal malformations and so on. Therefore, women have the need to detect progesterone before and during pregnancy.
Second-hand smoke levels – Check for Cotinine in saliva – a metabolite of nicotine in cigarettes. Long-term accumulation of second-hand smoke can lead to passive smoking and illness.
Metformin Residue – Check for metformin in saliva. Metformin is a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes and is effective in lowering blood sugar. If the metformin level is high, it indicates that the drug has remained.