Schiller (Swiss made)AED 心臟除顫器

Schiller (Swiss made)AED 心臟除顫器
FRED easyport是一種令人難以置信的小巧輕便的口袋除顫器,配備有效的心肌節能除顫脈衝,稱為多脈衝生物波。
FRED easyport是醫生,公共服務人員,甚至是危險患者及其家屬,或其他受過早期除顫培訓的人員的理想伴侶。 這大大減少了治療心室顫動和心動過速的反應時間,使受害者獲得更好的生存機會。
超輕型 - 僅重490克(含電池)
超小 - 133 x 126 x 35毫米(長x寬x高)
雙相脈衝除顫脈衝(Multipulse Biowave)
Retail : $46800/set
FRED easyport is an incredibly small and light pocket defibrillator, equipped with the effective and myocardium-saving defibrillation impulse called Multipulse Biowave.
FRED easyport is the ideal companion for physicians, public service staff, even for risk patients and their family members, or other persons trained in early defibrillation. This dramatically reduces the response time to treat ventricular fibrillation and tachycardias, giving victims a much better chance of survival.
Ultra light – only 490 grams (incl. batteries)
Ultra small – 133 x 126 x 35 mm (l x w x h)
High-resolution LCD
Biphasic pulsed defibrillation impulse (Multipulse Biowave)
Configurable adult and paediatric energy settings according to standard values
Automatic switch to paediatric energy level when paediatric electrodes are connected