Micro Sun - 激光淨血儀

Micro Sun - 激光淨血儀
戴於手腕上,錶底設有7個激光孔,釋出微量650納米激光束,照射人體手腕的動脈、尺動脈、內關穴、大嶺穴 ,能量穿過皮膚、肌肉和血管壁,被血紅蛋白吸收,使血紅細胞表面的類脂層溶脫,人體供血得以改善
操作簡易,適合家居、個人使用 (如:老人家)
三高患者(高血壓、高血脂、高血糖) 適用,有助改善身體機能
健康較差的人 (如失眠、嗜睡、精神疲勞、四肢冰冷) 適用,可用以保健
The main function
Weared on the wrist, there are 7 laser holes on the bottom of the table, releasing a small amount of 650 nanometer laser beam, illuminating the arteries of the human wrist, ulnar artery, Neiguan, Daling, energy through the skin, muscles and blood vessel wall, by hemoglobin Absorption, so that the lipid layer on the surface of red blood cells is dissolved, and human blood supply is improved.
3 levels and 6 treatment times to choose from, suitable for different needs
Only 10 to 60 minutes per use
Intranasal laser wire is also attached to repair damaged nasal mucosa and improve symptoms of rhinitis
product advantages
Received CE (Medical Department Level)
Easy to operate, suitable for home and personal use (eg: elderly)
Three high patients (high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar) apply, help improve physical function
Rapid repair of damaged nasal mucosa by laser irradiation and improvement of rhinitis
People with poor health (such as insomnia, lethargy, mental fatigue, cold limbs) apply, can be used for health care
User benefit
When red blood cells absorb laser energy, they can more easily decompose excessive lipids in the blood and lower blood lipids.
When the laser illuminates the blood, the lipid layer on the surface of the red blood cells is dissolved, which can improve its softness and oxygen ability, reduce blood viscosity, and promote microcirculation.
After the blood absorbs light energy, the blood viscosity is reduced, the systemic oxygen supply is improved, the glucose metabolism is promoted, and the blood sugar is lowered.
With the improvement of blood circulation and promotion of metabolism, it can improve the body's disease resistance and enhance immunity.
It can quickly repair the injured surface of the mucous membrane through surface irradiation. At the same time, it can improve the blood circulation around the nasal cavity by irradiating the nasal mucosa, and improve the immunity. It can play a good role in the treatment of acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.