
英國研究人員與專家對國民使用手機現狀及30個手機進行了調查研究。研究結果顯示:英國使用中的6300萬部手機中,有1470萬部手機存在健康威脅。平均一部手機攜帶的細菌量是男廁沖水柄細菌含量的18倍。手機細菌,有調查顯示手機每平方厘米就駐紮了12萬個細菌,按照這樣推算,整部手機起碼有上百萬個細菌,這個數字足以令馬桶坐墊上的細菌隊伍汗顏。由於特殊的環境與特殊的待遇,手機已經成為了大量細菌的繁殖基地。 紫外線消毒的科學原理:主要作用於微生物的DNA,破壞DNA結構,使之失去繁殖和自我複制的功能從而達到殺菌消毒的目的。紫外線殺菌具有無色無味無化學物質遺留的優點,已經在水處理領域越來越多的代替傳統的氯,漂白粉殺菌技術。自從1982年加拿大開始用實際的紫外線水處理工廠以後,美國,歐洲,印度已經廣泛採用該技術。
British researchers and experts conducted a survey of the current state of mobile phone use among nationals and 30 mobile phones. The findings show that of the 63 million mobile phones in use in the UK, 14.7 million have health threats. On average, a mobile phone carries 18 times more bacteria than a men's toilet flush handle. Mobile phone bacteria, some investigations show that the mobile phone has 120,000 bacteria per square centimeter. According to this calculation, the entire mobile phone has at least one million bacteria, which is enough to make the bacteria team on the toilet seat ashamed. Due to the special environment and special treatment, mobile phones have become a breeding base for a large number of bacteria. The scientific principle of ultraviolet disinfection: It mainly acts on the DNA of microorganisms, destroys the DNA structure, and makes it lose the function of reproduction and self-replication to achieve the purpose of sterilization. Ultraviolet sterilization has the advantages of colorless, odorless, and no chemical substances left. It has increasingly replaced the traditional chlorine and bleaching powder sterilization technology in the field of water treatment. Since Canada began using actual UV water treatment plants in 1982, the technology has been widely adopted in the United States, Europe, and India.