Quinovare - 胰島素無針注射器

Quinovare - 胰島素無針注射器
1. 壓力射流原理推進胰島素至皮下,顯著減小注射恐懼和痛感;
2. 瀰散性皮下吸收使胰島素吸收效果更佳,更貼近生理性胰島素分泌模式;根據大型臨床研究數據*顯示,對比傳統注射技術,無針注射更有效降低糖化血紅素水平,甚至可能減少胰島素劑量及降糖藥物劑量;
3. 減少由傳統針頭注射帶來的副作用或併發症,如皮下組織硬結等。
使用說明 : https://youtu.be/8822kH8tu8o
Needle-free insulin injection compared with the traditional use of needle pen insulin injection, mainly has the following three advantages:
1. The principle of pressure jet advances insulin to the skin, significantly reducing injection fear and pain;
2. Disseminated subcutaneous absorption makes insulin absorption better and closer to physiological insulin secretion patterns; according to large clinical research data*, needle-free injections are more effective in reducing glycated heme levels than traditional injection techniques, and may even reduce insulin dose And the dose of hypoglycemic drugs;
3. Reduce side effects or complications caused by traditional needle injection, such as induration of subcutaneous tissue.
4. one year warranty
Using instruction : https://youtu.be/8822kH8tu8o