Micro Sun - 預防及矯正拇外翻訓練帶

Micro Sun - 預防及矯正拇外翻訓練帶
▪ 適合輕微及中等程度的拇趾外翻人士使用,減輕拇趾外翻帶來的不適和疼痛,令使用者能正常行走和生活
▪ 適合足部矯形手術後使用,有效縮短康復時間
▪ 減低患上拇趾外翻、關節炎和關節退化的機會
▪ 物料透氣,表層清潔抗菌,日間夜間皆可舒適穿戴
▪ 穿戴後有效減輕拇趾外翻帶來的痛楚,以及矯正拇趾偏歪角度
▪ 矯正效果比傳統硬式拇趾外翻夾板來得更佳
▪ 無任何已知的副作用或過敏反應
Detailed introduction
User benefit
▪ Suitable for people with mild to moderate hallux valgus, reducing discomfort and pain caused by hallux valgus, allowing users to walk and live normally
▪ Suitable for use after foot orthopedic surgery, effectively reducing recovery time
▪ Reduce chances of hallux valgus, arthritis and joint degeneration
▪ The material is breathable, the surface is clean and antibacterial, and it can be worn comfortably during the day and night.
▪ Effectively reduce the pain caused by hallux valgus and correct the angle of the big toe
▪ Corrective effect is better than traditional hard toe valgus splint
▪ No known side effects or allergic reactions