黑芝麻醬(九蒸九曬芝麻)Made in Hong Kong
🥰黑芝麻含有豐富的不飽和脂肪和維他命B雜、鈣、鋅等礦物質,具有補鈣補腦、烏髮益智、潤腸、維持血管彈性等。 其所含豐富的鈣質適合小孩、年長者,孕婦,平日鈣質攝取不足者食用。
😋食用方法💓 👉🏻可以直接食用或添加蜂蜜,增添甜味。
👉🏻 包湯圓,就拿南瓜湯圓來說吧, 準備所需材料:糯米粉,黑芝麻醬,南瓜,白糖,豬油。黑芝麻醬里放入融化的豬油、白糖,將拌勻的餡料冷藏20分鐘至芝麻餡變硬,然後搓成球。蒸熟南瓜,用勺子按壓成南瓜泥狀,少量多次加適量糯米粉,不加水了,用手揉成光滑麵團,取面搓圓包餡。
👉🏻 黑芝麻醬燒烤,年輕人都很喜歡燒烤,特別是在家自己做燒烤,這個燒烤就是一個可以按照自己的愛好來隨意搭配的「手工活」,可以把黑芝麻醬抹在肉串上進行燒烤,也可以烤好後蘸點黑芝麻醬汁更美味。
Made in Hong Kong
Black sesame paste (nine steamed and nine sun-dried sesame seeds) Made in Hong Kong
Nine-steamed and nine-dried sesame seeds are ground with a traditional stone mill. The black sesame seeds can be ground very finely, with less oil and a powdery appearance. There is a strong sesame aroma in the mouth. Not only does it taste good, but it is also more conducive to the body's absorption of sesame paste. Nutrients, truly exert its health care functions. It doesn't stick to your teeth or cause irritation at all. If you eat it carefully, you can taste the aroma of black sesame oil. You must strictly control every sesame seed.
🥰Black sesame seeds are rich in unsaturated fat and vitamin B complex, calcium, zinc and other minerals. It is rich in calcium and is suitable for children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those who do not have enough calcium intake on weekdays.
😋How to eat💓 👉🏻You can eat it directly or add honey to add sweetness.
👉🏻Add milk, soy milk, juice, wheat bran, you can also mix noodles, stir-fry sauce, homemade Japanese style sauce.
👉🏻 Spread on bread, biscuits, make Chinese and Western pastry fillings such as sesame seeds, mix rice, noodles, salads and other dishes. It is smooth and moist with a rich numbing aroma.
👉🏻Put it in the blender and make it into ice cream and other ice products or pour it directly on the ice products. It is natural, nutritious and zero burden. While enjoying the dessert, it can also supplement calcium and other nutrients.
👉🏻Add rice flour to make sesame paste, or DIY hot pot sauce
👉🏻 To make glutinous rice balls, take pumpkin glutinous rice balls as an example. Prepare the required materials: glutinous rice flour, black sesame paste, pumpkin, sugar, lard. Add melted lard and white sugar to the black sesame paste, refrigerate the mixed filling for 20 minutes until the sesame filling hardens, then roll into a ball. Steam the pumpkin, use a spoon to press it into pumpkin puree, add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour in small amounts and many times without adding water, knead it into a smooth dough with your hands, take the dough and roll it into a round bun.
👉🏻 Black sesame sauce barbecue. Young people like barbecue very much, especially making barbecue at home. This barbecue is a "handicraft" that you can mix and match according to your own hobbies. You can spread black sesame sauce on the meat skewers for barbecue. You can also bake it and dip it in black sesame sauce to make it more delicious.
👉🏻 Mix with cold dishes, such as spinach, cucumber shreds, lettuce, and cold skin. Dilute the black sesame paste with cold water, add seasonings, sesame oil, etc. and mix well. Pour into the vegetables and stir.
Made in Hong Kong